Now that the cover for BSMS is finished, I am working on the cover for Thunder, sequel to Whisper. I still have a ton of work to do on BSMS before I will able to begin seriously working on Thunder, but it never hurts to plan ahead :)
As with Whisper, I will be using my own photos for this book. Whisper is about Ashwin, and Thunder is about Bannie.
Below are three photos of Bannie, focusing on the eye, same as Whisper. I have a favorite picked out, but I want to hear which photo captures your attention.
There are numbers in the lower right corners of the pictures, leave a comment with the number of your favorite!!
I was careful to not ask any questions about the horses lest Rachel think I was getting interested again. I wondered about Thunder from time to time and occasionally heard Rachel discussing him with Dad. I often eavesdropped on their conversations, not wanting to admit even to myself that I was curious about Thunder's progress.
According to what I overheard, Rachel wasn't making any progress with him. He refused to go into the barn and even when she moved him to a paddock with a small shed, he would stand outside in the driving rain rather than go inside. Rachel had tried everything she could think of to help him, but he just wouldn't be helped. Thankfully he was young and healthy. Though it was spring, the nights were still cold. The cold didn't seem to bother him however and he wasn't losing weight.
Rachel said she had tried, but he wouldn't join-up with her. I thought that was strange and very extreme behavior on his part. I had never seen or heard of a horse that wouldn't join-up.
From what I knew about his previous experiences, it didn't sound all that bad. Sure, he had been through a lot, but I had known horses that had been through a lot worse and responded a lot better than he was. It seemed that he was over reacting to everything.
Despite my resolve not to think about him, I couldn't keep my mind off him. I found myself analyzing his behavior and Rachel's observations, trying to come up with a solution.