Here's a few pictures from it. This is only a sampling...I took over 900 pictures.
On Saturday I was asked to photograph my cousin Kelly's wedding shower. I had never done anything like this before, but I really enjoyed it and I think it turned out well.
Here's a few pictures from it. This is only a sampling...I took over 900 pictures.
Aunt Zina
7/14/2014 08:19:22 am
Lauren K. Lotter
7/14/2014 08:57:24 am
I'm glad you like them, Aunt Zina! Your welcome! I wish I could be at the would have been fun to try my hand at something like that.
Aunt Dona
7/14/2014 02:42:38 pm
thank you so much for sharing the pics ...all of you guys looked like you were all having a great time- thought of all you guys that special day. xoxo
Lauren K. Lotter
7/14/2014 02:57:52 pm
Your welcome! Wish you could have been there!
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