Abby was improving and it seemed that the abscess was clearing up. She was hardly limping at all. Then on Tuesday, she could hardly walk and her leg was swollen. The infection had moved up into her leg because the abscess hadn't been draining.
Mom and Dad were gone for their anniversary trip, so when I told Mom what was going on, she called the vet and he headed out.
He managed to get the abscess opened up and he took an x-ray.
We have to soak her foot in Epsom salts twice a day, giver her 10 cc's of penicillin twice a day along with pain medication, then re-bandaged the foot so no dirt got in to seal the abscess back up.
We got her a rubber boot to wear to better protect the abscess as well as help cushion her foot to take some of the pressure off.
She's improved a lot over the past few days and we've been able to back off on the soaking and the penicillin. The boot helps a lot and she is walking a lot better.
It was even worse on Tuesday so since we had the vet out for Abby anyway, I had him check it out.
He found an ulcer on the lower portion of Ashwin's eye, nothing serious and it was already healing, but he said it was probably itching so Ashwin was rubbing his eye on stuff which was causing the irritation. He gave me some ointment to put in the eye and it is doing much better.
Ashwin was really nervous when he saw the two men. Just last week was when we had the vet out the first time for Abby's foot and he also floated Ashwin's teeth. I wasn't able to be there and it was kind of a traumatic experience for Ashwin.
He didn't like it when the vet started examining him, but I just spoke to him softly and he seemed to calm down.
So between those two, it's been interesting! Abby's care has taken a lot of time, but thankfully we can back off on some of the stuff.
She doesn't like the shots, but she does enjoy the attention I give her while her foot is soaking :)