I found some early spring flowers blooming in the woods...don't know what they are but they were pretty.
I also found a turtle sunning itself on a log, but unfortunately the dogs scared it into the water before I could get my phone out to take a picture of it.
There was a goose sitting on a nest on a little island in the middle of the pond. I did get some pictures of her, but my phone doesn't have good zoom so they are a little fuzzy.
Sabriyah was being a stinker. She would jump up on a log or stump and refuse to follow me. I'd go a hundred feet or so and call her...she's call back but stay put. Several times I had to go get her. If I carried her a little ways, then she'd follow me, but man, she's heavy! Once we got away from the pond and the mud, she was more willing to come when called.
Below are some pictures from my walk yesterday and some more recent ones of Rio. He is still the cutest thing every and sooooo friendly. The other day he was chasing me around with his ears pinned like he would play with another foal. I had to get after him for it because I can't have him playing rough with us, but it was still cute.