Since I posted about the Black Friday Book Sale on Friday, my weekly photo post got pushed to today :)
And I had a lovely, flowery post all planned out. Alas, I ended up going to a friends house to discuss photo's to print for my show this weekend and that is how it came to be 11:30 PM and I cannot summon the energy to think up something clever for you all :)
These photos were from a week ago Saturday when we had our first snow fall! And it was impressive! I believe we got 9 inches in all...that's a lot for a first snow! It hung around for a few days, then melted off. But I'm sure it will be coming back soon.
My favorite photo is my sweet Bannie. Isn't he handsome? What are your favorites?
And I had a lovely, flowery post all planned out. Alas, I ended up going to a friends house to discuss photo's to print for my show this weekend and that is how it came to be 11:30 PM and I cannot summon the energy to think up something clever for you all :)
These photos were from a week ago Saturday when we had our first snow fall! And it was impressive! I believe we got 9 inches in all...that's a lot for a first snow! It hung around for a few days, then melted off. But I'm sure it will be coming back soon.
My favorite photo is my sweet Bannie. Isn't he handsome? What are your favorites?
After several weeks of trying to get a semi-clear photo of little Wild Willy, I have succeeded! He's really cute! The second photo is him with his mother,Molly. These are Mini Herefords.