Since it had done well on Google+, I decided to enter in a Rural Lifestyle contest put on by I got fourth place!!!
I titled it Side by Side.
Here's what one of the moderators had to say.
"Lauren's description states, “Father and son plowing with old fashioned equipment”...where she really captures the moment. This photograph describes an actual event on a farm near the forest. The father and son pass each other going opposite directions on two tractors in and out of the scene. A yellow tractor moves toward the viewer with the driver looking back and the green tractor moves away from the viewer with driver looking in the same direction. The left side wheels of each tractor are elevated on slightly crowned grassy ground whereas the right wheels are lower in the already plowed mud. Because both tractors are tilted away from each other and their passing large tires just miss each other, there is both an element of humor and clear need for serious concentration as both drivers lean slightly to their right to keep their eyes on track. It is an overcast day. There is a forest of cottonwoods with a few aspens in the on a farm." -Geoff
The boys built feeders that are attached to our window sills, the cat is having a hay day watching all the birds :) I've never really liked birds much, but I have to admit I am enjoying all the activity...our yard has become a bird highway. And I'm never adverse to anything that offers some great photo opportunities!!
I can't decide between the robin and the woodpecker pictures for a favorite this week. What's yours?