Mom was in our entry way just coming in from chores when suddenly there was an awful racket just outside the window. We thought the dogs were fighting with each other but when Mom aimed her flashlight out the window, we could see they were fighting with a cat. It jumped up and clung to the window screen until we could call the dogs off and get them inside. Mom tried to encourage the cat to jump down on its own because she wasn't sure if the cat would be friendly or not. The cat wouldn't get down so finally Mom just grabbed it. He just melted into her arms.
Mom brought him inside and we locked him in the bathroom with some food and milk, but he cried every time we left. He's very friendly but very thin. He has an injury on one of his legs(you can see him holding it up in the picture below) and his ears might be frost bit. We named him Sidney for now.
Mom brought him inside and we locked him in the bathroom with some food and milk, but he cried every time we left. He's very friendly but very thin. He has an injury on one of his legs(you can see him holding it up in the picture below) and his ears might be frost bit. We named him Sidney for now.
Levi and Lydia are going to a rabbit show in Lansing on Saturday with their friend, Nancy Taylor, who they have gotten several rabbits from. She has taken them under her wing and given them lots of helpful advice. Today they and mom were getting the rabbits ready, trimming nails and such and they snapped some pictures while they were at it. Don't ask me which rabbits are which...the only way I can tell them apart is by what hutch they are in out in the barn!!