Since I had to move the moving post to today, I will post an excerpt and an update on Whisper tomorrow.
Moving went pretty smoothly and by nine o'clock Saturday night we had a lot unpacked and the house began to looked lived in.
I am really enjoying my desk in the basement as well as all the open windows!!
We moved our house cat, Ranger, down there Saturday night and he had a fun time exploring ever nook and cranny.
It's beginning to feel like home and we feel like we have so much more room!
The two dogs, Shep and Maple, were a bit confused by everything. They go back and forth between the farm and the new house. Shep has been sleeping in the garage and Maple has taken up residence by the patio doors.
Here's some pictures of moving day! I didn't get as many as I would have liked because my camera battery died and I had forgotten the charger at the auction hall!