It was 80 degrees today!! We were working at the auction hall and it was kind of stuffy even with all the doors open. The kids played outside with squirt bottles squirting each other!! I picked one up and started spraying Lydia...a few minutes later, I set it down and turned to go inside....the little stinker sprayed me with the garden hose!!! Oh well, it felt kind of good!! We got a lot of work done today...hopefully we'll be able to start picturing by Friday. My feet are sore from standing on the cement all day!!
Tonight Dad and I went on a short ride. He was testing a new saddle. The leather was kind of stiff so it was hurting his knees. This morning Seth and I were moving the horses to a new pasture...I was riding Bannie bareback with just a halter and lead rope and he was leading Smoke. When we got to the pasture, I rode in and he turned Smoke loose. She bolted past me and Bannie and galloped down to the other end. I thought for sure Bannie would take off, but he didn't!
Phlox is doing better. She's able to stand for longer amounts of time now. I rigged up a harness sling that helps support her. All of Grandpa's sheep are wild since they aren't handled, so she was afraid of me at first, but being so weak she couldn't do much. She has become very friendly very fast. Tonight she laid her head on my knee, then nuzzled my face and neck when I bent down to do something. Sheep aren't usually that affectionate.
I'm looking forward to Saturday...we're doing one of two things...we're either going to look at a new horse...or we're going to a tack auction. I don't know for sure yet, but I'm thinking we'll be going to look at the new horse. I hope we get a new one soon...right now I can't take Smoke out without Bannie 'cause he panics if he's left alone. So he needs a buddy. This morning he wouldn't go through a muddy area...I had to really coax him, then he jumped and landed right in the middle...spraying mud everywhere!! He's afraid of the mud so he jumps right in! Silly horse!
I was thinking about adventure books the other day....the ultimate adventure book is the Bible! Think of all the battles and exciting miracles the Lord did. That is the best adventure book there is!
Okay, it's getting late...gotta work at the hall tomorrow!
Tonight Dad and I went on a short ride. He was testing a new saddle. The leather was kind of stiff so it was hurting his knees. This morning Seth and I were moving the horses to a new pasture...I was riding Bannie bareback with just a halter and lead rope and he was leading Smoke. When we got to the pasture, I rode in and he turned Smoke loose. She bolted past me and Bannie and galloped down to the other end. I thought for sure Bannie would take off, but he didn't!
Phlox is doing better. She's able to stand for longer amounts of time now. I rigged up a harness sling that helps support her. All of Grandpa's sheep are wild since they aren't handled, so she was afraid of me at first, but being so weak she couldn't do much. She has become very friendly very fast. Tonight she laid her head on my knee, then nuzzled my face and neck when I bent down to do something. Sheep aren't usually that affectionate.
I'm looking forward to Saturday...we're doing one of two things...we're either going to look at a new horse...or we're going to a tack auction. I don't know for sure yet, but I'm thinking we'll be going to look at the new horse. I hope we get a new one soon...right now I can't take Smoke out without Bannie 'cause he panics if he's left alone. So he needs a buddy. This morning he wouldn't go through a muddy area...I had to really coax him, then he jumped and landed right in the middle...spraying mud everywhere!! He's afraid of the mud so he jumps right in! Silly horse!
I was thinking about adventure books the other day....the ultimate adventure book is the Bible! Think of all the battles and exciting miracles the Lord did. That is the best adventure book there is!
Okay, it's getting late...gotta work at the hall tomorrow!