My friend, Keri, has written a book and is working toward getting it published!!
She has started a blog, Written On My Heart, where you can read about her book and keep up to date on the publishing
I have had the privilege of reading, In Paths of Righteousness...it was very, very good. I really enjoyed reading it. Keri is a
great writer and effectively combines truth and the gospel message with intriguing mysteries.
Keri is hoping to have her book published by the fall and from what I understand, plans to write a sequel!
Check out her blog...I know you will be blessed by it and by her book.
She has started a blog, Written On My Heart, where you can read about her book and keep up to date on the publishing
I have had the privilege of reading, In Paths of Righteousness...it was very, very good. I really enjoyed reading it. Keri is a
great writer and effectively combines truth and the gospel message with intriguing mysteries.
Keri is hoping to have her book published by the fall and from what I understand, plans to write a sequel!
Check out her blog...I know you will be blessed by it and by her book.