It is nineteen chapters, not including the epilogue and is the shortest thing I ever written, but I think the intensity of the story will make up for the lack of length, at least in part. It's just over 34,000 words right now, but that will probably change during editing.
I really love this story. I got way more emotionally involved than I usually do and I hope that shows.
I was going to save this picture for Friday, but I just couldn't wait. This is one of my favorites of Ashwin and I think it fits really well with the last part of the book. This will be the last picture in the story and I wrote a scene to go with it. I think it portrays the happy, content Whisper in contrast to some of the pictures I'll use for the beginning of the book that show Ashwin agitated.
Here is one last excerpt from Whisper. I had a really hard time choosing what to share, and it had to be short, otherwise it gives the whole story away :)
I need to spend some time working on Book #2 of The Christian Cowgirl Adventure Series, but I'm hoping to have Whisper published this winter if I can get all my ducks in a row!
Taking the rope in my left hand, I grabbed the stirrup and slid my foot in. I felt her tense so I waited a minute before easing my weight into the stirrup.
I paused, but she stayed still so I swung my leg over the saddle.
Exhilaration rushed through me. I was sitting on her
Everything felt good so I lifted the makeshift reins, clucked a little and squeezed my legs gently.
She stepped out a bit hesitantly, but soon her stride lengthened and she tossed her head excitedly.
My hands were shaking from excitement. I shifted the reins to my left hand and used my right to stroke her neck.
We walked steadily around the ring a few times, then I squeezed my legs again and she broke into a trot.
Her stride was smooth and I felt like I was floating.
Another few rounds and we sailed into a canter, our bodies moving together as if we'd been made for each other.
Around we flew. Everything else disappeared until it felt as if we were completely alone.
If you ever have the opportunity to help an abused horse, remember Whisper and give them a second chance."