Emily was interviewed on My Lady Bibliophile, pop over to Schyuler's blog to read her answers to some great questions.
Below are my answers to her questions. Enjoy and don't forget to enter the giveaway by clicking here :)
Coffee!!! I do enjoy a good cup of tea every now and then, but coffee is my staple drink.
2. Rainy days or sunny days?
I really love rainy days...the only time I don't like rain is when I had plans that had to be canceled. Other than that, rainy days are the best.
3. What is one food you couldn’t live without?
Rice. My mom's side of the family is middle eastern...I think that is where I get my love of rice from. I nearly always have a container of rice in the fridge and I eat it with a variety of other foods.
4. Give three words that describe you.
Umm...stubborn, creative, impulsive
5. What would you do if you had a free hour and could do anything you wanted to?
Wow, I can think of so many things I'd do with a free hour, but I would probably spend it sitting along the creek bank with my dog and a book.
6. What is your favorite book-to-movie adaption?
I'm not usually a fan of book-to-movie adaptions, but I do like Anne of Green Gables.
7. If there was one location from a book you could go to, where would it be?
I can't think of a specific location from a book, but I have read some great books about England...it would be neat to see some of the places I've read about.
8. If you could meet one character from a book, who would it be?
That's a tough one...I'm not really sure. Anne of Green Gables would be neat I guess. J But then, Frank and Joe Hardy from the Hardy Boys books would be great too!
9. If you could ask one author of the past a question, who would it be? What would you ask?
I would ask Samuel Clemens why he used a pen name.
10. If you could change one event you didn’t like in a book, what would it be?
I would probably change the ending of It Took A War by Emily Putske. It was a good ending, but very sad.