I got the CD today! Now that I have the graphics, I am ready to submit my book to Xulon. Hopefully, I will be able to do that on Monday and we'll get the ball rolling a bit faster now.
They told me it will take about 4-5 weeks to typeset the book. Then the files are uploaded to my Authors Center for my review and if I give my approval, two weeks later the book will be published! I'm really excited and can't wait to see the finished product. I think I've already said that a couple dozen times, but its no less true!
After we got home from the auction hall today I worked with Rio a little more. I actually put a halter on him and worked on leading. He did really really well. I was surprised, but he yielded to the pressure most of the time and seemed to get the hang of it. It will be nice to have him halter broke so young.
I'm hoping to get him out of the barn for some pictures in a day or two if the rain lets up. They're only little for so long!