This morning we got up at 5 am to head out on an 11 hour bus tour of the park. Our destination was Wonder Lake, which we reached around noon. We saw lots of neat things, so grab a cup off coffee and prepare to join the trip. I daresay wherever you are reclining as you read this is a bit more comfortable than the bus seats...11 hours is a bit long to ride a bus, but we made it :)
One of the highlights of this bus tour is Mt. McKinley. Surrounded by clouds most of the time, the following picture is the most many people will ever see of the mountain. This was how our view started out in the morning.
What he said is that their numbers will skyrocket for several years until there are so many of them they are overrunning the tundra. When the plants they are eating are getting eaten back too far, they create a secretion that when the hares eat the plants, it causes them to not be able to digest any food. So they basically starve to death. While not a pleasant thought, it is necessary to allow the tundra to recuperate before the numbers go back up.
They came right up to the picnic tables looking for scraps :) It's kind of hard to see, but in the first picture, the bird has both it's feet off the bench in mid hop!
Tomorrow we are heading to Anchorage. We have been hearing about a raging wildfire over there and the road is even closed in some places so we'll see what it all looks like when we get there.
Thanks again for all your comments!