Charlie is sold. We took him to the cowhorse sale on Saturday and Jess rode him in the competition before the auction for us. He did fine on his first turn in the pen and worked the cows well. The second time, everything was going fine until suddenly, he let loose and started bucking like crazy. Jess stuck with him as long as she could, but he was bucking so hard and twisting at the same time, she fell just as he stopped bucking. As she fell, her foot got stuck in the stirrup and Charlie drug her around the arena before she got her foot out. She brushed herself off, caught him and took him out of the pen, then climbed back on and worked him over good out in the riding area. She tried to make him buck again so she could correct him for it, but he wouldn't buck. That's what makes him such a hard horse to never know when its comin'. He doesn't buck every time so you always have to be ready. She rode him in the completion to the end, then in the sale. He didn't go for much, but we were glad we didn't have to haul him home and feed him any longer. He went to a good horseman, and if anything can be done with Charlie, he'll do it. As Dad and Jess were taking the bridle off Charlie after he sold and putting on his halter, he got away from them and started running around the barn. All in all, he caused quite a stir that night! The highest selling horse went for 13,000 and he was worth every penny. He was a sharp horse.
We stayed after the auction watching the competition. They were competing for buckles. It was lots of fun to watch, lots of action and excitement. Jess won a buckle and a guy got bucked off.
Yesterday we went to Ohio for church. We had the morning service, then a meal, then as they started the second service, the youth, our family and one other family went to the nursing home to sing. I really enjoyed that. We got back to church just as they were starting the sermon and afterwards, we made care packages for Haiti. It was a long day, but very enjoyable.
Today we worked at the hall and we'll probably be doing that for the rest of the week. I haven't been getting very much editing done the last few days. I'll try to post another excerpt and some pictures of the sorting in the next few days.
We stayed after the auction watching the competition. They were competing for buckles. It was lots of fun to watch, lots of action and excitement. Jess won a buckle and a guy got bucked off.
Yesterday we went to Ohio for church. We had the morning service, then a meal, then as they started the second service, the youth, our family and one other family went to the nursing home to sing. I really enjoyed that. We got back to church just as they were starting the sermon and afterwards, we made care packages for Haiti. It was a long day, but very enjoyable.
Today we worked at the hall and we'll probably be doing that for the rest of the week. I haven't been getting very much editing done the last few days. I'll try to post another excerpt and some pictures of the sorting in the next few days.