Here's a link to the Mally's blog. (I mentioned them in an earlier post with the video about Mexico) There is an interesting debate coming up on Tuesday with Answers in Genesis between Bill Nye, The Science Guy and Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis CEO. Grace provides a link to the site where you can watch the debate live.
The temperatures here are supposed to rise slightly for the next couple days....twentys during the day and slightly colder at night. Smoke and Lena are double blanketed and with Bannie's chunkiness, it's like he has two blankets on! They are all toasty warm. We were expecting some baby bunnies any day but it looks like the does may not have gotten bred.
We are keeping busy at the auction hall. I haven't had time to work on editing the second book. Once this auction is up and running I'll have a chance to get some work done on it. We'll be working tomorrow and most, if not all, of next week.